Meeting Schedule V1.0

Supplementary Information
"Meeting Schedule" is the extension that you need to find the meeting date that suits to the greatest number of people.
It also allows you to book lunch for the meeting and the choice of the menu.
You can also allow or forbid anonymous people to attend at the meetings or to automatically register in joomla the new attendees that have an email address.
Private meetings are also possible and can be restricted to preselected users.
This extension only works on Joomla 3.x, 4.0, 4.1 & 4.2 and contains the language files for the English, French and Portuguese.
It does NOT work on Joomla 2.5 or lower.
In the back-end, the main functionalities are:
- Create meetings that you can restrict to a limited number of users;
- For each meeting, you can customize each proposals (columns) in which it is also possible to put any html code in case where you would like to provide a specific look;
- Each proposal can have their own list of choices displayed to the users.
Each choice provided to the users is also customizable. The choice can be a combo box, radio button, check box and even a free text; - You can also attach to each choices a specific html code that is displayed to the user when he take this choice.
For example you can propose to pre-pay a lunch or perform a booking or make reference to an article that provides more info. - The display of the proposals in the front-end can be restricted depending on the user groups.
So that, you can create special group of users that will not have the same proposals.
For example, you can have a teacher that create several group of students depending on their level.
In that way, the teacher can propose several activites depending on the student group and also reserve a special column that will be displayed to the user and only editable by the teacher.
That will give him the possibility to publish if the student was present, or publish a score to an evaluation or whatever. - Email notification can be sent automatically when a new attendee is added to a meeting.
In the front-end, the main functionalities are:
- Possibility to display the list of meetings available.
- Possiblity to attend a meeting.
Attend to a meeting can be anonymous or requires to have a joomla user account. - Possiblity to automatically create the joomla user account when a pseudo (username) and email are required.
When a user is automatically created, an email with a generated password is sent to the user with the information to login into the website. - Possibility to make an alternative proposal to a meeting.
The figure below, give you a sample of the front-end with a specific column to pre-order different kind of lunch.
Front-end Attendees
The administration is simple and allows you creating several columns (proposals) and for each proposal provide a list of choice for a decision.
Meeting details
Meeting Proposal
For each proposal, you can compute a total.
You can also create a specific decisions when it is not the same as the other column.
Meeting Decisions
The decisions can also include a specific html code to provide additional information.
You can for example provide a link to an article where you provide more detail or propose to pay a lunch or provide additional sub-choice with custom fields.